Example of a video created by a single person:
Nolke, Julie. (2020, April 9). Explaining the pandemic to my past self [Video]. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms7capx4Cb8 |
Parenthetical Citation: (Nolke, 2020) Narrative Citation: Nolke (2020) |
**Note: The person or group who uploaded the video is credited as the author.
Example of a video created by organization:
British Broadcasting Corporation. (2020, October 12). Johnson declares three-tier COVID rules for England- BBC News [Video]. YouTube. |
Parenthetical Citation: (British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 2020)
Narrative Citation: BBC (2020)
**Note: the first time you use an in-text citation write out the full name of the organization with the acronym in parenthesis after. For all times after that you can just use the acronym.