New password being rejected? Make sure it meets the requirements!
Passwords criteria:
Password changes done off the MCC network will not enforce these requirements. If you changed your password at home but didn't follow these rules, you'll need to change it again or it won't work when logging into MCC Wireless or MCC desktops.
Password changes take time to sync. If your new one doesn't work at first, try your old one.
Connect to the MCC Wireless network.
Select the network MCC-Wireless
Log in with your:
Not working?
Make sure your password is up to date and meets the MCC password requirements.
Be sure you're not connecting to MCC-Guest.
Changed your password recently? Forget the MCC Wireless network and re-connect with your new credentials.
Step 1: Go to Papercut login page located at: mcc-papercut-01:9191/user
Step 2: Log in with student number and MyMCCKC password. Choose 'web print' from left hand menu.
Step 3: Choose 'web print' from left hand menu (see screenshot, right).
Step 4: Click 'Submit a job'
Step 5: Type MWLR into 'Select a printer' and pick your printer (see screenshot below):
Step 6: Click the green button at the bottom right "Print Options and Account Selection"
Step 7: Choose number of copies
Step 8: Upload your PDF and click "Upload and complete"
Step 1: Step 1: Go to Papercut login page located at: mcc-papercut-01:9191/user Step 2: Log in with student number and MyMCCKC password.
Step 3: Choose "Add credit" from menu on the left hand side. (see screenshot, right)
Step 4: Select desired amount to add, confirm. (see screenshot below)
Step 5: Enter your credit or debit card information. (see screenshot below) Note: This process sometimes fails and logs you out. It is more likely to succeed in a private browsing window in Chrome or Firefox.
Did you know you can print multiple PowerPoint slides on one page?
When printing, under "Settings" click the dropdown next to "Full Page Slides." (see screenshot below)
You can print multiple slides per page, or choose "Outline" to print only the text from each slide in a more compact form!
Hanging Indents in Microsoft Word for Windows (see screenshot below):
Hanging indents in Microsoft Word for Mac:
Hanging indents for Google Docs:
Visit MCC's Technical Support page or check out the resources below:
Student IT helpline: (816) 604-1000 option 3
MCC-Online student technology support: 816-604-4490
Business & Records Office: (816) 604-3785
(Can assist with password resets)
Canvas Support Hotline: 1 (877) 269-7930
Canvas support:
MCC-Online: or visit MCC-Online's webpage