The TEACH Act (Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act, 2002) is a revision of one portion of the U.S. Copyright Act. The revision addresses issues of online and distance education.
Use these reports and guides to the TEACH Act as you seek to understand this area of copyright or prepare materials for distance learning:
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has created some guidelines for distance education courses and intellectual property.
Ownership of Materials
The materials created by faculty members for distance education courses should be treated in exactly the same fashion as materials created by faculty members for traditional courses.
Changing and Updating Materials & Re-transmission of Courses
The AAUP Statement on Distance Education asserts that a "teacher's course presentation should not be recorded without the teacher's prior knowledge and consent. Recordings of course material are academic documents, and thus, as with other works of scholarship, should have their author or creator cited accordingly." The Statement on Copyright asserts faculty ownership of the copyright of traditional academic works "regardless of the physical medium" in which they appear.
When materials are displayed or performed to students at remote locations, or for that matter "transmitted" to students at any location, the rules change. You might find this Checklist useful in determining how to use resources in distance education.