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Education and Child Development - Longview

This guide will help you with Educational research.

Our Catalog - Longview

Books on Education

Most books on education topics can be found by looking under the call numbers 370 to 379.


  • 370 Education
  • 371 Schools & their activities; special education
  • 372 Elementary education
  • 373 Secondary education
  • 374 Adult education
  • 375 Curricula
  • 376 No longer used—formerly Education of women
  • 377 No longer used—formerly Ethical education
  • 378 Higher Education
  • 379 Public policy issues in education

Catalog Search Terms

Use LC Subject search terms:


Education, Primary

Education, Elementary

Education, Secondary

Early Childhood Education

or use keywords for more specific topics such as Charter Schools or testing.

Books to Help with your Research

Newest Books to the Collection