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BIOL 123 - Kuster - Penn Valley: Choosing and Using Keywords

A library guide to help students find sources related to their microbiology research assignment.

Choosing Keywords/Creating a Keyword List

Sample Keyword List

Example prompt: S. aureus, genetic sequencing process, bacteria's needs, and bacteria's effect on humans

  • Bacteria's scientific name: staphylococcus aureus
  • Bacteria's common name: S. aureus
  • 16s rRNA (example: S. aureus AND "16s rRNA" (exact phrase))
  • Genetic sequencing (example: S. aureus AND "genetic sequencing")
  • DNA (example: S. aureus AND DNA)
  • Energy sources (example: S. aureus AND "energy source")
  • Humans (example: S. aureus AND human* (human and humans))
  • Impact/Effect (example: S. aureus AND impact)
  • Disease (example: S. aureus AND human AND disease)
  • Bacteriology
  • Microbiology

Searching by Exact Phrase

Allows you to find EXACT phrases within the quotation marks (time saving!)

To Use: put your phrase between quotation marks 

  • Example: "16s rRNA" will ONLY return results with this exact phrase (NOT articles with 16 or articles with RNA ).


Truncating Keywords

Catches multiple words with the same stem using one search (time saving!).

To Use: type the word stem and add a asterisk (*)

  • Example: gen* (will pull up all of these words: gene, genome, genetics, genetic, etc.)

Combining Keywords Using AND, NOT, or OR