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Welcome to the Philosophy subject guide. This page provides resources for the study of philosophy. Related courses include PHIL 100, 103, 200, 203 and 266.
This guide contains information and help in finding articles, books, and websites related to philosophy. Please consult a reference librarian if you need additional help in research or topic selection.
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From the department website:
Although relatively few people become professional philosophers, the study of philosophy is a vital part of your college education. Philosophy courses also have many side benefits. Along the way, you'll learn to:
All of these will help you in any endeavor, whether it's law, teaching, diplomacy, public service, publishing, journalism, the ministry, the social or natural sciences, mathematics, business or the arts.
Choose from courses that include ethics, logic, world philosophy, religion, values and more. Our philosophy program is built around the Associate in Arts (AA) degree. This degree gives you a solid two-year background in general education courses that can transfer to a four-year institution. It also allows 17 hours of elective courses that let you home in on your specific philosophic interests.