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Library Help - MCC

These short videos provide information that will help you find and access MCC Library resources, including library catalogs, databases, and subject guides.

Library Mission

The libraries support the MCC mission by providing services and resources that strengthen and enhance instructional services.

Specific charges:

  • Provide library instruction for finding and evaluating information resources in class or in a one-to-one environment
  • Recruit, hire and retain a knowledgeable staff of effective, caring, service-oriented professionals
  • Acquire and organize collections of material and information in print, non-print and digital formats to support the MCC curriculum and life-long learning
  • Provide optimum facilities for individual study, group work and research needs
  • Provide interlibrary loan services to expand local resources

Intellectual Freedom

It is the Library’s responsibility to provide for the free exchange of ideas and to balance various points of view, regardless of the popularity of those viewpoints, or of the religion, political philosophy, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin of the authors. The Library endorses the American Library Association Bill of Rights.

In selecting materials for the collection, librarians will endeavor to choose items which contribute to the instructional program of the colleges and aim at the development of factual knowledge, critical thinking, objective evaluation, aesthetic appreciation and enhancement of ethical standards of the students. Materials dealing with controversial topics shall not be eliminated because they are controversial. To the contrary, materials representing various sides of controversial issues shall be included.

A patron with a concern about an item in the collection should be referred to the Library Director, who will ask for the complaint to be submitted in writing. A committee will review the complaint and the material(s) in question. After reviewing the complaint, the committee will make a recommendation to retain or withdraw the item. A written response will be sent to the complainant.

Compliance with Missouri 15 CSR 30-200.015

A. MCC Libraries are built to support student success. Library materials are not purchased with the intent of checkout to minors, but in some cases, such as dual enrollment, minors may be enrolled in college-level coursework. Parental approval for student enrollment in college-level classes is approval to access college library materials.

B. MCC Libraries collect materials that represent various sides of controversial issues, and in some cases, it is possible that materials could be considered "pornographic" or "obscene" as defined in section 573.010, RSMo. In response, libraries will not use state grant funding to purchase physical library materials that could be considered in violation of 573.010, RSMo.

C. A copy of MCC's collection development policy will be posted on its website under MCC Library Subject Guides.

D. Parental approval to access MCC Library material by minor students, including the building space that houses them, will be handled as a function of the enrollment process. All other minors are prohibited from accessing the library or its contents without a parent or guardian present. Parents should be aware that displays in any part of the library are designed to support the college community, and parents bear responsibility for all non-student minors they bring into the library, understanding that MCC Libraries are not designed or intended for non-student minors.

E. All events and presentations conducted by MCC Library will be designed to serve faculty, staff and students, including college-enrolled minor students. There will be no programs or events inside MCC Libraries intended to serve non-student minors.

F. Material or event challenges should be reported to an MCC Library Director, who will share the challenge with a review committee. The college's book-challenge policy will be followed and the complainant will be notified of the outcome, which will also be displayed on the MCC Library Subject Guide related to book challenges.