Text a Librarian @ 816.920.0275
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Need to use a math textbook? Many Longview mathematics faculty members place textbooks on reserve in the library. The faculty members designate the loan periods and use restrictions; most are for library use only and check-out for a restricted amount of time.
Check with the circulation desk (816.604.2080) to see if a copy of your selected math textbook is available for in library check-out. Not all textbooks are available.
Information regarding how to check out a book, place a book on hold, request a book from another library, and access an ebook can be found on our LibGuide: Longview - Introduction to the Library and Research.
510 Mathematics
511 General principles of mathematics
512 Algebra
513 Arithmetic
514 Topology
515 Analysis
516 Geometry
518 Numerical analysis
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics
Additional e-books and e-audiobooks are available through the Ebsco ebook database.
Students are able to request books for FREE from all over the state of Missouri and have them sent to any MCC campus for pick-up.