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Microbiology - Longview

This page provides resources for the study of microbiology. Related course: BIOL 208.

Our Catalog - Longview

Checking Out or Requesting a Book

Information regarding how to check out a book, place a book on hold, request a book from another library, and access an ebook can be found on our LibGuide: Longview - Introduction to the Library and Research.

Dewey Numbers for Chemistry and Related Topics

579:  Microorganisms, fungi & algae
561:  Microorganisms, fungi & algae

Microbiology Circulating Books



Microbiology eBooks

Keywords and Subject Headings

Keywords are incredibly important in your search for books, articles, websites, and other resources. Search results can only be as good as the information you put into the search bar, so think carefully about your search terms. When using catalogs and databases, avoid typing questions, but rather use words and terms that are appropriate for academics. 

Keywords for Microbiology

Search Tips
Utilize the Advanced Search feature for databases, catalogs, and search engines.
Limit the search results by date, publisher, file type, and more. 
Type in multiple keywords separated by AND, OR, or NOT. 
"AND" will only provide results where all of the keywords appear. "OR" will provide results where any of the keywords appear. "NOT" will exclude results that include that particular keyword. 
It is also useful to utilize quotation marks around multi-word terms when you want the term to appear exactly as you type it. For instance, if you want information about "distracted driving," placing the term in quotation marks tells the search that you only want results where those words appears together. 

Oct 4, 2022

Can't Find What You Need?

Students are able to request books for FREE from all over the state of Missouri and have them sent to any MCC campus for pick-up.



  • Expect 4 to 7 days for items to arrive.
  • Books check out for an initial period of 4 weeks and may be renewed 1 time if no other requests are pending.
  • Books may be sent to any MCC campus for pick-up.
  • You will receive an email at your student email address when your requested items arrive at your campus library.