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Business & Entrepreneurship Research Guide - Longview

Business Books at Longview

Finding Business Books in the Library

Commonly used Dewey Decimal Call Numbers for Business are:
  • 650       Business, MBA Schools
  • 650.14  Resumes, Cover Letters, Job Hunting, Interviews
  • 651       Business Communication, Secretaries, Business Letters
  • 652       Typing, Word Processing
  • 657       CPA, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Financial Reports
  • 658       Starting a Business, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Management, Interviewing
  • 658.8    Marketing, Sales, Franchising
  • 659       Advertising, Fashion Modeling
  • Information compiled by University of Central Florida Libraries

Can't Find What You Need?

Students are able to request books for FREE from all over the state of Missouri and have them sent to any MCC campus for pick-up.



  • Expect 4 to 7 days for items to arrive.
  • Books check out for an initial period of 4 weeks and may be renewed 1 time if no other requests are pending.
  • Books may be sent to any MCC campus for pick-up.
  • You will receive an email at your student email address when your requested items arrive at your campus library.