Look up an area of interest in the online catalog by typing in a subject. For example, Medicine-Vocational Guidance will find books on careers in the health industry. Some titles are in the 600s with the other medical books.
For information on colleges and universities, look up the subject; Universities and colleges-United States-Directories in the online catalog. Most of the titles can be found in Ref 378. Also, look up specific schools such as; Nursing schools-United States.
A series of books on a variety of careers including sports medicine, pharmacy, psychology, etc. Information provided includes educational requirements, salaries and job search strategies. These titles are available for check out.
eBook & Audiobook Databases:
Over 300,000 titles make up this collection, which includes academic, community college, and clinical collections covering a broad range of subjects.
How to download eBooks & audiobooks using the EBSCO and Libby apps:
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